Tuesday 31 January 2012

Australia - Gold Coast 31st Jan - 3rd Feb

We caught a plane from Prosperpine airport to Brisbane then hired a car to head to Alyssa's pad on the Gold Coast. Alyssa worked with us for 2 years on and off during the early days of Milton the girls were all so excited to see her again!

Flying down the East coast.....

Fi catching up with tour admin

girls in pool

Alyssa and Clara

The waterfront

Grubs up

The pool

All the houses around here have a water front

Alyssa's home...shared with her parents and siblings


The Pontoon

Gorgeous temperature....no humidity!

Bananas picked from their garden ripening in the sun, they also have a Mango tree

Alyssa and her Mum Susan

Departing the house pontoon on Alyssa's and Landi's boat

Alyssa's folks

Alyssa reunited!

All the houses along the river front have a boat or even helipads as you get closer to Surfers Paradise

Us lot!

CDSC and Landi

CHC and the boys

CHC - Cheers!

Dolphins swimming under boat

On the river

Alyssa and the Cameron girls

On our way back


Surfers paradise ....

Bananas on departure.....!!!

Wednesday 11 January 2012

Australia - Whitsundays Barrier Reef bareboat 23rd - 31st Jan

We have arrived down under.....VERY HOT roughly 30 ever day with 80% humidity the boat has no air con and if no wind........

We flew from Sydney straight up to Hamilton Island and then

caught the ferry from Hamilton Island airport to Airlie Beach - this reminds me of a page out of Richard Scarry's 'Things that go'

The runway! It was an amazing landing - you didn't quite believe that you were going to hit land in time!

Our boat - pristine on day one - looks like a bombsite now! (only joking Mike)

Off we go....

With the chart....

Border Island


Preparing to drop anchor

Grace on Jib sheet or is she snorkeling....?

Amy winching in the furler - time for a swim!

Get out of the sun ladies!

Trawling for sharks......!

Parked up at Whitehaven Beach

On our way to Turtle Bay..

BBQ - a delight!

Amy - flying the flag for her Godfather TGV!!!


Parked up for a swim


Whitehaven Beach..



As I write this, we are on our second last day of sailing. We have used one full pint of sun cream, and drunk goodness knows how much water and juice in the hottest temps that any of us have experienced. The girls slipped in to boat routine incredibly quickly and it was great to see how much of what they learned in their dinghies, was easily translated to the big boat. Charlie and I are absolutely delighted that they all LOVE being under sail and long for the engine to be cut. They busy about down below making us ready to 'tip over'  and then fight over who gets to go on the winches. 

We have to report in to base twice a day and let them know our plans. They like us to be moored or anchored by 4pm at the latest; we have generally always been at our night spot by 3ish at the latest, which gives loads of time for snorkelling and exploring. In Nara inlet - pictures below, there were some ancient Ngaro caves complete with drawings which were fascinating and well worth the pretty steep walk.

When anchored at Border Island, I chucked some chicken bones over the side once everyone had finished leaping over the side and generally making a load of splashing and noise. About 20 mins later there was a great cry of 'SHARK'. Sure enough, there was a 5ft black tipped reef shark swimming round and round the boat! I did a little bit more reading in our various manuals where it talks about slipping quietly in and out of the water etc etc............................. Swimming was suspended for the evening. Apparently they are very docile creatures, but we were probably asking for trouble with the combination of the chicken carcass and three thrashing and over excited girls in the water! 

Cooking some bangers!

Dinner - generally BBQ every night - avoiding being down below as much as possible to get out to the heat!

Sting suits... these really have to be worn at all times when swimming and snorkelling because of box (and other) jelly fish. We occasionally have a quick dip in and out without them, but otherwise, everyone is getting pretty quick at getting in and out of them.

Nara Inlet - a lovely sheltered spot from the forecast Northerlies.

Nara Inlet from caves

9000 years ago the area was not submerged in water!

Drawings on a cave, evidence of man up to 9000 years ago


Great sailing...


Mrs C Whitehaven beach.....almost impossible to open ones eyes it was so bright!

Mr & Mrs....

1ft Island....

Looking back to Mainland...

GHC at the helm

2ft island...

3ft island

AHC deciding on entry point for snorkeling


CHC concentrating on the helm - managed 7 knots today wonderful sail home

Life on board!

Climbing again!

Daydream Island pool

Most expensive soft drinks in the world..........

GHC in command

GHC preparing lunch

A view...Whitehaven Bay



Our boat - ventilation - Border Island behind

Daydream Island

Sea Tree

Over there....


 Back on board

Stonehaven Bay

Stonehaven Bay looking out to Hayman Island

Under sail

AHC about to greet dinghy

Walking on water.......



We handed the boat back in the afternoon and were picked up and royally looked after by Tor Cameron's cousins who live 2 minutes from the marina in a wonderful place......a delight to sort our admin out for the next phase. Also fantastic to escape the immense heat and to be reconnected with luxuries likeair con for the 1st time in over a week!!!!! Here is a shot of Ollie, Amelia (Mouse) and Millie sadly Dave had to go to work at 6am ???!!!

We moored last night (28th) at Daydream Island - a resort which is being loved and hated in equal measure by different members of the family! The girls have been having a wonderful time in the pool and probably a much needed break from their parents and a chance to chat to other children. We are allowed to use their facilities for 24 hours whilst on their mooring- C and I are very glad it isn't any longer - a glass of water costs $4 Aus!!! 

The Yacht we are hiring Jeanneau 40ft

Ample room but the rear cabins had next to no ventilation

Our route around the islands....great fun, some of it challenging with judging tides through tight channels, choosing anchorages to avoid coral that was dottted all over the place along all the coats.  With all of this it was very easy navigation.